Sunday, November 09, 2008

Trident joins the "metal in the water" club

Trident Energy was covered in the Eastern Daily Press online news site the other day.

Trident is joining the somewhat exclusive club of companies which have deployed significantly-rated wave (or tidal stream) devices in the water. The plan is to deploy this scale prototype for 3-6 months, before designing and deploying a 1 MW device.

Redfield's reaction to this prototype is
  1. gosh- Trident's emerged from the left field, we weren't previously aware that Trident was at this stage of development (largely as the website was essentially a placeholder until very recently(/li>
  2. it looks a bit flimsy (although East Coast waves are relatively benign)
  3. there looks to be a fair bit of material for the rated power output (which we interpret as well under a MW, based on comments on the company's website

This announcement comes as part of the launch of the Orbis Centre (the Renewables East hub building - aiming to generate employment in offshore renewables.

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